About Digging for Fire
Welcome to my weblog!
Digging for Fire is a blog about technology and education (and sometimes gardening).
Who writes DfF?
Hi, I’m Saadia Carbis. I’m a homeschooling Dad, with a Bachelor Degree in Learning Design, currently studying a Master’s of Teaching (Secondary). I’ve been working in tech my whole career, currently as a sponsored open-source contributor.
Aside from programming all day and hanging out with my kids, I also enjoy playing music, going to the movies, and gardening. Pretty conventional hobbies, I guess!
How can I stay updated when there’s a new post?
Subscribe to my RSS feed! If you don’t use an RSS reader, I also have an email signup that will deliver DfF articles to you.
A short history
I started blogging way back, around 2002, in a public high-school journal which I named Digging for Fire (after the Pixies song).
I co-wrote a custom CMS in PHP with a friend, and we pioneered the concept of recording ourselves reading each post, and having it available as audio alongside the written words (this was available as an RSS feed – so, an early podcast?).
I’ve still got the files. It’s all very angsty. Apparently my peers loved reading about my various high-school romances and general discontent.
All these years later, I’ve kept writing in one form or another. One blog here, another there, and a career in WordPress to keep it all straight. I’ve given up on cataloguing the content or worrying about availability. It’s all in my backups, and that’s good enough for me.
So here’s a new blog, the latest in a series, and a return to where it all began. I’m not lookin’ for the mother lode. I’m diggin’ for fire.